After years of regional dominance, our North American Rainbow Six: Siege roster seeks international glory.

Play Like the Pros

The ultimate Rainbow Six redemption story. From recruiting an unproven squad of rookies to becoming 2021 North American League champions, they’ve proven themselves every step of the way. In 2023, they continued on to win the NAL once more alongside two top-4 major finishes and a top-6 Six Invitational placements.

NAL Finals Champions
This is the story of arguably the most unexpected group of players joining forces to become the best team in North America. Taking in a group of underdogs, Supr’s experience as an in game leader developed a system for young talent to show the world what they are capable of…

Six Jönköping Major
Leading up to the Jönköping Major, our Rainbow Six program was regionally dominant but still unproven on the international stage. With the addition of Geometrics’ leadership and Gunnar’s rookie talent, we found the missing pieces needed for a core capable of proving themselves internationally and reaching their first major semifinals…

Six Copenhagen Major
Coming off a difficult apperance at the Six Invitational where great expectations didn’t play out. We regrouped with the addition of CTZN to the roster. At the Six Copenhagen Major, we learned from our mistakes and battled our way back to another major semifinal appearance.